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Cebolla ,cilantro,frijol,arroz,crema Onion,cilantro,Beans,rice, sour cream Carnes a elegir.
Cebolla, cilantro, green sauce or red sauce.
Cheese,cilantro, onion and sauce on the side.
The torta contains beef, lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado and sour cream
Contains shredded pork, lettuce, tomatoe, onion avocado,dressing and jalapeños on the side Contiene carne desebrada de puerco, lechuga, jitomate, cebolla, aguacate y aderezo, jalapeños al lado.
Contains lettuce, pico de gallo and dressing.
Cilantro, onion and green or red sauce on the side.
Inside contains, beans and carnitas, after toasting the bread a little, it is bathed in red sauce (not spicy) on top red onion and a slice of lemon.
Tortilla de arena, carne de puerco,jamón,lechuga,jitomate,cebolla,aguacate y aderezo / Flour tortilla, pork, ham, lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado and dressing