0 item(s)
Camarón, pulpo, callo de hacha y aguachile (Shrimp, octopues, scallops and aguachile)
1/2 Kg de callo de hacha y 1/2 de camarón para pelar (1Lb of scallops and 1lb to peel shrimp)
1 Kg de callo de hacha y 1 kg de camarón para pelar )
Abalone original
Camarón, pulpo, callo de hacha, almeja, aguachile, caracol, ostion, calamar, aguacte y salsa especial (Shrimp, octopus, scallops, clam, aguachile, snail, oyster, calamary, avocado and special sauce)
Callo de hacha y camarón aguachile (Axe scallops and aguachile shrimp)
Aguachile, camarón cocido, pulpo, calamar, aguacate y tomate (Aguachile, cooked shrimp, octopus , calamary, avocado and tomatoes )
Caracol, callo de hacha y camarón aguachile (Snail, scallops and aguachile shrimps )
Camarón, pulpo, callo de hacha, caracol, pepino, cebollas, cilantro y salsa picante (Shrimp, octopus, scallops, sanil, cucumbers, onion, coriander and hot sauce)
2 Tacos de pescado, 2 tacos de gobernador, 4 camarones empanizados, 4 chiles toritos, arroz y frijol ( 2 Tacos tuna Marlin Tape, 2 tacos governior, 4 breaded shrimp, 4 ttoritos chiles, rice and beans)
With garlic sauce
In Butter
Devil style
Puerto Rico shrimp (empanizados con coco / breaded with coconut)
Camarón empanizado, costa azul, chiles toritos, filete de pescado y guarnición (breaded shrimp, blue coast, toritos chiles, fish filete and garrison)
Charbroiled shrimp
Governor with cheese
Breaded shrimp
Fish tacos
Steak burrito
Ceviche de camarón, camarón con pulpo, callo de hacha, chicharron de pez, 3 tacos de pescado, 2 pz de camarón costa azul, 2 pz de camarón empanizado y 2 pz de chile torito (Shrimp cebiche, shrimp with octopus, axe scallops, pargo of crackling, 3 tacos fish, 2 blue cost shrimp, 2 breaded shrimp and 2 torito chile )
Arrachera beef with cheese
In Garloc Sauce
Hamburguer with fries
Con camarón y chorizo (With shrimp and chorizo)
4 Camarones a la plancha 1/2 de langosta, 1/2 de filete de carne a la plancha acompañado de vegetales, aguacate y papas al horno (4 To the grill shrimp, 1/2 lobster, 1/2 steak charbroiled acompanied with vegetables, avocado and baked potatoes )
Zarandeado, Mojo De Ajo, Mantequilla (Charbroiled, in garlic sauce, butter, to the grill)
Huachinago charbroiled
Fried huachinago
Fish fried
Breaded fish tacos with french fries
Chicken nuggets with frech fries
Fish filet with fries
Shrimp ceviche
Breaded shrimp with french fries
Flour or corn quesadillas with french fries
2 Camarones, 2 nuggets y papitas (2Shrimp, 2 nuggets and frech fries )