0 item(s)
Queso, jamón, huevo. / Cheese, ham, eggs.
2 panqueques, tocino, huevos, hashbrowns. / 2 pancakes, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns.
Frijoles, arroz, huevo, queso. / Beans, rice, eggs, cheese.
Eggs and your choice of meat.
Huevo, frijol, queso, platano, crema. / Egg, beans, cheese, cheese, plantain, cream.
Con queso y frijol. / With cheese and beans.
Huevo, jalapeño, tomate, cebolla. / Eggs, pepper, tomato, onion.
2 Eggs, cheese and beans.
Corn or flour.
Puerco y queso. / Pork and cheese.
Queso, frijol y chicharron.
Non-alcoholic beverage.