0 item(s)
Incluye: 1 plátano frito, frijoles refritos, 3 huevos, crema, queso, aguacate y 2 tortillas. / Include: 1 Refried Plantain, refried beans, 3 eggs, cream, Cheese, avocado and 2 tortillas
Carne, de res, 1 platano frito, frijoles refritos, 2 huevos crema, queso, aguacate y 2 tortillas / Include: Beef, 1 refried plantain, refried beans, 2 eggs, cream, cheese, avocado and 2 tortillas.
Chicharrón con Queso. Pork and Cheese
Refried Beans and Cheese
Loroco con Cheese
Slices of Jalapeño and Cheese
Just Cheese
Squash and Cheese
Mixed with refried beans, cheese and pork
Just Pork
Incluye: Arroz, ensalada, una porción de queso y 2 tortillas. / Include: Rice, salad, Cheese and 2 Tortillas.
Incluye: 2 camarones, carne de res, pechuga de pollo, una porción de salchicha, arroz, frijoles refritos, ensalada y 2 tortillas. / Include: 2 Shrimp, Grilled Steak, Chicken, Sausage, Rice, Refried Beans, Salad and 2 Tortillas.
Incluye: 3 camarones, carne de res, pechuga de pollo, 2 porciones de salchicha, arroz, frijoles refritos, ensalada y 2 tortillas. / Include: 3 Shrimp, Grilled Steak, Chicken, Sausage, Rice, Refried Beans, Salad and 2 Tortillas.
Incluye: Frijoles refritos, 1 pupusa, queso, crema, 1 plátano frito, yuca, chicharrones y 2 tortillas. / Include: Refried Beans, 1 Pupusa, Cheese, Cream, 1 Refried Plantain, Yucca, Fried Pork and 2 Tortillas
Quesadilla Hondurean Style
Quesadilla Honduean Style with meat
Hondurean Style Chicken, steak or Fried Fish With cole Slaw and fried Plantain
Assorted flavors.
Elote, nuez, champurrado y piña.